Copyright © 2014
About Steve
Steve holds an MBA from the American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird), and is a past board member of the National Speakers Association’s Arizona chapter (2008-2010.)
Steve is master of ceremonies for many social and charity functions, including the Salvation Army's Fashion Show, Make a Wish’s annual Cowboy Ball, Northern Pima Chamber of Commerce annual Pinnacle Awards ceremony, Tucson Attractions Alliance annual meeting, first tee announcing for the LPGA ladies golf tournament and more.
In addition to his memory lectures, Steve is adding a new lecture and workshop on communications -- "How to deal with the news media.” Steve has recently partnered with frequent Today Show guest Robyn Spizman, a nationally recognized author and gift-giving expert, on co-authoring a book "Making Memories A No Brainer.” Their agent/publicist is searching for a publisher.
Steve is available to host your next corporate event. He has more than 10 years experience hosting KOLD News 13's Business File, and really enjoys getting to know the audience.
You can catch Steve this month in Sabino Canyon hosting Music in the Canyon brought to you by The Friends of Sabino Canyon, or the Silver Spike Railroad re-enactment at the train station. Steve regularly hosts Bingo at Canyon Ranch as well as lecturing on memory topics including his "Remembering Names With Ease" presentation.
Steve has been a very active member of Canyon Ranch Health Resort/Spa Fitness Staff for the past 16 years. He is a very enthusiastic walk leader who conducts morning walks with guests from across the United States and throughout the world.
His ability to remember names has helped propel him onto the lecturing circuit, where he teaches techniques to remember the name of each person you are about to meet. He involves his audience so they will learn and use the techniques to remember information that may prove useful for subsequent meeting of individuals.
Steve also conducts mini workshops on how to remain cognitively active for a lifetime. He regularly works for United Health Care of Arizona and the Jim Click Automotive Group, working with employees and their clients on cognition techniques.
Founder and President of Sharpen Your Memory
Steve Ochoa
(520) 260-6562
I went to TSB on Tuesday. Bill Elser said that your talk was the best. I heard that questions and answers lasted until noon. Unheard of. Thanks again. Barbara Macpherson